Healing Services
All healing sessions are 60 minutes.
Hypnotherapy and Coaching sessions may vary, so please allow 90 minutes for those sessions.
Soul(e) Coaching
Coaching is a way to allow a safe and trusting space to explore the possibilities of life and how, through self-awareness, improvements and changes can be positively manifested. As a result the client can live a Joy-filled life.
One-on-one, couples and family coaching available.
Coaching can benefit:
- Business
- Weight Mgmt/ Physical Performance
- Relationships: Family, Couples, Self
- Finding you life's purpose/ Spiritual Coaching
One-on-one or group sessions available. Call Today!
A healing technique based on the principle of channeling energy, by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. Reiki It's been compared to a "hands free massage" and is a gentle, restorative experience for all.
One-on-one sessions available. Call Today!
An induced, trance-like mental state in which the subject is more receptive to
positive suggestions that can bring
about powerful changes of a physical, mental emotional or spiritual nature.
Hypnotherapy can be used for:
- Stress Reduction
- Weight Management
- Smoking Cessation
- Anxiety, Fear or Phobia Releases
- Mental or Physical Improvement
- Past Life Regression
- Future Life Progression
One-on-one sessions or group workshops available.
Call Today!
Combining the calming powers of Reiki and suggestive powers of Hypnotherapy to promote wellness and healing.
During a Hypnotherapy session the conscious mind and body are relaxed, while the subconscious mind remains awake and receptive to positive suggestions.
As a Reiki session brings you to a deep state of relaxation, the effectiveness of the Hypnotherapy session that follows is increased and positive results can be reached much faster and easier.
One-on-one sessions available. Call Today!
Your feet are the holograms of the body and carry the "weight" of the world (you) around.
Reflexology promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, soothes tired feet, reduces stress and promotes healing. It can release toxins and restrictions in the body, stimulates flow and encourages overall healing.
Reflexology is also used for post-operative or palliative care.
A study in the American Cancer Society journal found that one-third of cancer patients used reflexology as a complementary therapy.
As in everything Reflexology is recommended as a complementary therapy and should not replace medical treatment.
One-on-one sessions available. Call Today!
Chakra Balancing
Balancing your Chakras is important to good overall health. Your Chakras are energy points in your body that regulate the flow of energy. During a Chakra balancing assessment of the current state of the Chakras is done and then crystals and or Reiki may be used to clear blocks, or slow down overactive Chakras. This is a energetic body reset and can be quite restorative.
One-on-one sessions available. Call Today!
Toe Reading
The feet are holographs of our bodies. Holding all the stories of our life. Traumas, dramas, and destiny possibilities are all right there in our toes. Toe reading is a wonderful way to assess the path you've been walking, and where the possibilities of life may lead...
One-on-one or group sessions available. Great way to have a girl's get together, bridal shower or birthday.
Call to explore the opportunities to get soul to sole through Toe Reading today!